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Our Awards

Our Awards

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Our Awards

Our Awards

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Brand that Best Manages the Customer Experience

Madame Coco received the “Brand that Best Manages the Customer Experience” award in the Home Textile category at the “Marketing Turkey Alpha Awards”.

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Respect for People

The Kariyer.net Respect for People Awards, Turkey’s most prestigious and long-established Human Resources awards, found their recipients this year for the 18th time. The Human Resources Team restructured all its business processes for our brand, first over people, rapidly advanced towards being a global brand without breaking that tradition for this year as well. It joined the ranks of 200 companies that have the Kariyet.net “Respect for People” Award from more than 20,000 employers that are clients of Kariyet.net, fulfilling all the terms of the award.

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The Stars of HR and the Best Video Job Posting

After the Secretcv HR Summit held on April 17, 2019, by Secretcv.com with the participation of uniquely valuable attendees and the theme of "Digitalizing HR - Where is the Emotion?", the Stars of HR Award Ceremony found its owners. On that important night, Madame Coco was given the "Star of HR 2018" and also in the special awards category, "Best Video Job Posting" was awarded as a company that brings a new perspective to the sector, has become an employer brand, and consolidates its success with the values it provides to candidates.

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The Leading Brand of Social Media

SocialBrands is a ranking platform that measures the social media performance of brands in an entirely unbiased and objective fashion using BoomSocial data and BoomSonar technologies, and having examined more than 25,000 brand accounts found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - the most popular social media channels for brands - it chose Madame Coco as first in Social Media for a total of 8 times in 2017. It was selected for first place for the Durable Consumer / Home and Decoration Category twice, back to back, in the 2017 and 2018 annual evaluations for the Social Media Awards, held by Marketing Türkiye in collaboration with Boomsonar. It also was awarded the 2018 Grand Prix award, Turkey’s most prestigious social media award.

Source:https://www.marketingturkiye.com.tr/haberler/social-media-awards-2018-sosyal-medyanin-en-iyileri-odullerine-kavustu/ https://www.marketingturkiye.com.tr/haberler/sosyal-medyanin-en-iyileri-odullerine-kavustu-2/
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The Brand That Uses Digital the Best

Madame Coco took its spot among the 30 retail giants on Digital Age’s list of the “brands that use digital the best” both with the devotion it has shown to social responsibility projects aimed at improving all aspects of society and with the numerous styles of sharing it has pioneered in digital media.

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Turkey’s Super Brand

SuperBrands is an independent, international authority on the subject of brand management and marketing, and it helps the choices and recognition around the world for companies that demonstrate superior success on the topic of brand management. Each member of this organisation, which operates in 89 countries, specifies jury members who are experts in their field; and Madame Coco was granted the super brand award, being chosen from the best brands of the year at SuperBrands Turkey, held by Nielsen, in a public vote in which 4986 brands were evaluated.

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