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Delivery Conditions

Delivery Conditions

Delivery Conditions

Delivery Conditions

Your order is delivered to the delivery company to be sent to the requested address within 7 days after it has been confirmed.

The duration and conditions of delivery may vary in situations originating from the Buyer (not being at the address, not being authorized to receive, the buyer having moved from the address, etc.). The monitoring processes will begin when your order is given for delivery. You can reach the package tracking number necessary to follow your order by clicking above the relevant order in the “My Orders” section under the “My Account” menu heading. You can receive your order with a signature from the delivery attendant by showing a photo ID.

Please open the package box when receiving your product and be sure that its contents are complete and undamaged. Should there be any kind of mishap, send your product back with the delivery attendant while retaining the official report. If needed, you can receive support from our Customer Services through the phone number 0850 532 33 00. Should you not be at your address in person during delivery, your order is delivered to the individual found at your address after their photo ID is checked and their signature is taken.

Should there be no one at the address at the moment of delivery, an official from the delivery company will leave a note for you. The same address will be called upon for the second time as of the business day after the note is left. The delivery will be carried out within 2 days after you call the Customer Services of the Delivery company and notify them of the delivery window at which you will be able to receive your order at home.

The individual to receive the order cannot be changed after the order has been placed.


• All packages in deliveries to the address are made to you by means of the contracted courier company .
• You must provide in full your address information (address, street, neighbourhood, avenue) so that your delivery can be made accurately and easily.

• The monitoring processes will begin when your order is given for delivery. You can reach the package tracking number necessary to follow your order by clicking above the relevant order in the “My Orders” section under the “My Account” menu heading.

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